
Mrs. Felicidad Dimalanta, 77 years old, mother of Dr. T. Dimalanta-Crisostomo, an Endocrinologist at the Makati Medical Center, was a diagnosed case of intestinal obstruction secondary to intestinal tuberculosis combined with pleural effusion.

Mrs. Dimalanta underwent operation wherein resection of the affected intestine and colostomy were done. Effusion was drained through the thoracotomy tube.

One week after the surgery, abdominal distention was noted, and no fecal material was present in the colostomy bag. Patient then was connected to infusion pumps, ventilators, cardiac monitors, and other invasive apparatus for continuous monitoring. Despite exhausting efforts of surgeons and internists of MMC, patient seemed to be progressively deteriorating.

The patient’s son visited me because I successfully treated his mother through acupuncture three years ago. I responded immediately to the urgent call, and at the hospital bed, I saw the long list of doctors and the many attachments on the patient. The physical condition of the patient was very discouraging. However, knowing that there is a greater physician, The Lord Jesus Christ, I counselled the children to pray for the Almighty God’s miraculous touch.

Truly health is wealth because sickness can bring enormous expense. In this case, the patient spent approximately One Million Pesos for the hospitalization and medications alone. Yet, the patient did not recover her health. However, through God’s intervention, acupuncture and a whole food supplementation, the patient’s condition improved and regained her health.

I thank the Lord and praise Him for guiding me in providing the most appropriate method that healed Mrs. F. Dimalanta.

A Medical Report from Dr. Lee Wu Chun Mei

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