We have completed the 10-session of Acupuncture and we have seen results in our body.  For the past 2 years since the pandemic – not exercising took its toll on us. There are body pains everywhere – frozen shoulder, fatty liver, and all.  We have yet to see the results of the blood tests but the pain is gone for both of us. By the way, Geuel used to have insomnia – but she is now a sound sleeper 😊

With the Acupuncturists (mother and son) – Escober Family in pink

Sincerely yours,

A handwritten letter to Dr. Lee

Mrs. Jovita P. B.

Dear Dr. Lee,

               May I write you to let you know that I am all for acupuncture treatment. Why do I say this? Please let me elaborate.

               You see, when I first visited your Faith, Hope, and Love Medical Center, I was a sickly elderly woman who recently retired from the government service. My general complaints were chronic coughing lasting 2 years, sinusitis, and loss of sleep. After reading or feeling my pulse, you recommended acupuncture treatment with herbal injections and pills.

               After the second acupuncture, I felt my coughing has lessened 75%, my sinusitis headaches have gone, and I slept a lot. Not only that, due to regained strength, I have resumed my gardening at home other strenuous activities.

               Because I was truly relieved of my long ailment, I couldn’t help narrate to you that you are the only one who cured my sickness out of about 10 EENT experts from several Metro Manila hospitals and private clinics, whose similar prescriptions of heavy dosage of antibiotics and mucosolvans for me hardly relieved my continuous coughing.

               Upon learning for the first time of my consultations with you, my daughter, a doctor-intern at St. Luke’s Hospital, has this to say, “Let’s just see!” Well, after a treatment cycle, she saw a great improvement in my health and now admits I’m looking better.

               Lastly, I thank our Lord for the gift of healing given to you to help people in this country.

               May God richly bless you & your family.

from our dearest patients

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